I think Judas didn’t mean for it to go so far. I think he realized Jesus wasn’t going to become king, so he thought he could get some quick money. Jesus would do a miracle, get away, or otherwise be found innocent. Matthew 19:28 is still a mystery to me as far as Judas is concerned.

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Here’s my take on it: in Matthew 19:28, Jesus is addressing his disciples, including Judas. But the context of that conversation is that a rich man (one who is attached to his money as the rich young ruler was) wills struggle to trade his riches for Jesus. That’s exactly what Judas did in the end: stopped following Jesus in order to get more money. He wasn’t a follower anymore by his own choice. Also, he was possessed of Satan at the end (John 13:27), which Jesus knew would happen, so in the regeneration, he wouldn’t be at the throne of glory with Jesus. As I always say, I’m no Bible scholar, but those are my ideas.

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Karen Sargent

Great reminder lesson. We love, we fail, He still loves ♥️

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It’s hard to grasp.

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