Why subscribe?

If you’ve ever been told that Christians shouldn’t have mental health struggles, you’re in the majority. At Grace and Therapy I write honestly about my journey through trauma and healing as a child of God so you will know you’re not alone.

I’ve written mostly about homeschooling for 25 years, having been published in No Greater Joy Magazine and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. When I was hit head-on in 2018, my focus changed to helping Christians understand that there is no shame in seeking help for mental health issues. In fact, we should.

Some of our favorites

We may also talk about the farm and grandchildren, snippets from my own Bible study, the enneagram, and what I’m reading. I may even share an occasional grammar lesson—I promise they’re fun!

You’ll hear from me every Tuesday at 5 am.

Please keep in touch.

I’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment and let’s chat!

Subscribe to Grace and Therapy

It's okay to be a Christian and go to therapy. Also, cows.


Wife, Mama, Grammy. Lover of Jesus and defender of the Oxford comma. Cowmom and Enneagram 9w1.