Karen, I have to share with you that I think you are so strong. You have done so much to regain a normalcy to you inner self. God does give us trials to strengthen and pull us closer to him. You have done what a lot of people find hard to do if no impossible, share something that scares you and makes you feel vulnerable. Different maybe broken. Your have a way of sharing your story that makes others comfortable. You are doing a good thing writing down all your trials, failures and triumphs. I know God is using your writing not only for you but also for your readers. You are strong, kind and a good writer. Next year you will look back and see how far your journey has taken you towards healing.
You write so eloquently. I would love to sit down and share testimonies sometime. We have a lot in common. The struggles with PTSD and all that comes with it... as well as, the similarities in beliefs.
Karen, I have to share with you that I think you are so strong. You have done so much to regain a normalcy to you inner self. God does give us trials to strengthen and pull us closer to him. You have done what a lot of people find hard to do if no impossible, share something that scares you and makes you feel vulnerable. Different maybe broken. Your have a way of sharing your story that makes others comfortable. You are doing a good thing writing down all your trials, failures and triumphs. I know God is using your writing not only for you but also for your readers. You are strong, kind and a good writer. Next year you will look back and see how far your journey has taken you towards healing.
Thank you, Diana, for your very kind and encouraging words. I appreciate them—and you!
You write so eloquently. I would love to sit down and share testimonies sometime. We have a lot in common. The struggles with PTSD and all that comes with it... as well as, the similarities in beliefs.
Thank you for sharing...
Hi Sharee! Sometime when you’re home and up for company, let me know and I’ll come for a visit! I’d love to sit and chat!